Giving Back 1% to La Plata – Locals Helping Locals
Local businesses in La Plata County have spearheaded the La Plata Impact Fund as a way to give back to the community where they succeeded.
In order to inspire meaningful contributions to the community, local area businesses are committing to giving back 1% of their gross revenues to make a significant impact to the health and well being of the place we call home. In the first year of the Fund’s existence, a minimum of 25% of the 1% pledge will be pooled and leveraged in order to make movement-building and long-term investments to help alleviate our community’s most pressing concerns. The La Plata Impact Fund seeks to be a change agent, driving funds to where they can make the biggest difference.
2022 Goal: Our goal is to engage businesses and individuals representing $400,000,000, or $4,000,000 in total giving with $1,000,000 of that amount dedicated to the Impact Funds’ investment in social equity as a way to support a fair and just society for the underserved and underprivileged in our community.
Who Can Contribute? While the pledge to give 1% was formed by local businesses in the La Plata County area, individuals wanting to make a difference are also encouraged to contribute.
Trail Map
Local businesses have identified a variety of issues to work on in the community. In 2022, social equity and affordable housing is at the top of the list, but a variety of important topics are waypoints in our future:
Social equity, the underserved, and social justice
Environment, planet and climate
Regenerative agriculture, farming, and local food
Why Pledge?
Not only does pledging 1% of your gross income make a meaningful contribution to society, it also demonstrates to your customers that you give back. Benefits to business owners include powerful branding and marketing opportunities that connect to your value-based customers. The La Plata Impact Fund is also a way for you to rest assured that your dollars are being directed toward systems change. The Local First Foundation will be vetting and working with the community to ensure we make the biggest difference possible. Finally, the Impact Fund is an extraordinary opportunity to leverage your contributions with others who have taken the pledge.
We are grateful for the following local businesses that have generously donated to the Impact Fund:
2nd Ave Sports
Durango Land & Homes
Durango Organics
Live Creative
Ore House
Pine Needle Dry Goods
Roll Ebike and Paddle Board
Sage Farm Fresh Eats
San Juan Hand Therapy
Shaw Solar
Table to Farm Compost
Tafoya Barrett and Associates PC
Tailwind Nutrition
Wheeler Consulting
Zia Taqueria
In the News
Frequently Asked Questions
Impact Fund Visionary Kickstarters